Monday, February 23, 2015

Teeling Irish Whiskey

This was a good buy for me. We purchased the Teeling Irish Whiskey, and I am very pleased.

On the Nose:

  • Honey on cornflakes
  • Bananas Foster (reminiscent of the rum casks it is matured in)
  • Apples
  • White pepper
  • Iodine


  • Sharp and peppery
  • Buttered Apples
  • Toasted Pine nuts (Pinon)
  • Nutmeg
  • Browned sugar
The Video Review

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Forty Creek Canadian Whisky.

     Alright, I know Forty Creek isn't the most glamorous and rare whisky out there, but hear me out. I love my Forty Creek. In my short journey as a whisky enthusiast, I have come across some whisky that I liked, but few that I truly loved. Sweet honey and nuts are hard to resist. This Canadian whisky is one of those first loves, and no one could ever spoil it for me. You'll notice from my video that I don't have the patience to stand on ceremony and smell and analyze the nose of the dram. I just want to drink it....RIGHT NOW.....and that's okay. This whisky is like getting a warm, familiar hug from a friendly lumberjack.

Episode 3 is here

Four Roses Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon

   I decided to review the Four Roses because I feel the flavors are incredibly easy to pick up. Perfect for a beginner, and perfect for any occasion. This moderately sweet and spicy whisky is one of my go-to favorites if I need a little soothing after a rough day.

Episode 2 is here!

Time to get excited.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Episode #1 of my vlog

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you are all well. My New Year resolution will be to consistently post my vlog and really try to provide some decent material. This is the warm up phase. I swear it can only improve from here.

Episode 1


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post #1: An Introduction

       My name is Anna, and I am a novice whisky enthusiast. Even though I have only been enjoying whisky for a short time, it was enough time to learn how to appreciate it. What I have really come to appreciate is the handful of women who love whisky just as much as I do. When I began to learn about whisky, I mean, REALLY learn about it, I suddenly became interested in the potential women have in being truly knowledgeable whisky enthusiasts.
      I know a lot of people think the world of whisky is nothing short of a "boy's club". However, I disagree, I think most women just haven't had enough exposure to whisky. For example: before I learned the truth about whisky, the most I knew about whisky was: There is something called Fireball and Southern Comfort and you're not really supposed to sip and savor them unless you have a death wish.

The Origin of my Curiosity:
     Where did I get my boozy education, you ask? It came from my boyfriend Joshua, of JoshZie's Whisky Review. Who could be a better teacher? The first dram of whisky he ever offered  me truly knocked the wind out of me. I thought I hated it. It was the 12-year-old Redbreast. Yet, about three weeks later I tried it again, with great trepidation. I loved it, so much it became my absolute favorite in his collection.

     I will be setting out on this alcoholic adventure to evaluate whisky from a woman's perspective. This means I will be choosing two to three different drinks per month and analyzing the qualities of the whisky, such as: taste, smell and character. The reason I will be doing the tastings this way is, I believe that women really do have waxing and waning sensitivities to smell, taste and texture. I want to see if my perception of the whisky in question changes depending on the day.

This blog will be accompanied by a vlog posted to YouTube twice a month.

I hope you all enjoy my future posts!
