Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Post #1: An Introduction

       My name is Anna, and I am a novice whisky enthusiast. Even though I have only been enjoying whisky for a short time, it was enough time to learn how to appreciate it. What I have really come to appreciate is the handful of women who love whisky just as much as I do. When I began to learn about whisky, I mean, REALLY learn about it, I suddenly became interested in the potential women have in being truly knowledgeable whisky enthusiasts.
      I know a lot of people think the world of whisky is nothing short of a "boy's club". However, I disagree, I think most women just haven't had enough exposure to whisky. For example: before I learned the truth about whisky, the most I knew about whisky was: There is something called Fireball and Southern Comfort and you're not really supposed to sip and savor them unless you have a death wish.

The Origin of my Curiosity:
     Where did I get my boozy education, you ask? It came from my boyfriend Joshua, of JoshZie's Whisky Review. Who could be a better teacher? The first dram of whisky he ever offered  me truly knocked the wind out of me. I thought I hated it. It was the 12-year-old Redbreast. Yet, about three weeks later I tried it again, with great trepidation. I loved it, so much it became my absolute favorite in his collection.

     I will be setting out on this alcoholic adventure to evaluate whisky from a woman's perspective. This means I will be choosing two to three different drinks per month and analyzing the qualities of the whisky, such as: taste, smell and character. The reason I will be doing the tastings this way is, I believe that women really do have waxing and waning sensitivities to smell, taste and texture. I want to see if my perception of the whisky in question changes depending on the day.

This blog will be accompanied by a vlog posted to YouTube twice a month.

I hope you all enjoy my future posts!
